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Author Guidelines

The following has been prepared to assist you in understanding the remainder of the process between now and the conference regarding your paper. 

All papers are accepted on the understanding that the primary author will register for the ICoRCE 2022 Conference and attend to present the paper. 

  1. All correspondence should have your unique reference number (ICoRCE xyz) – refer to acceptance letter for unique number. Failure to use the correct reference number will result in delays to your paper assessment or questions.
  2. Once submitted, your paper will be forwarded to National Construction Journal (NCJ) peer review committee, who will then allocate technical experts as required to carry out an anonymous review.
  3. The paper review shall be guided by the ‘Guidelines for review of ICoRCE Papers” copy of which is herein attached for your reference.
  4. The anonymous comments and corrections regarding your paper are then sent to you for incorporation. These may include technical as well as formatting comments.
  5.  Once the changes are made then you should resubmit your updated paper to, clearly titled “ICoRCE 2022 Paper Number xyz re-submittal”.
  6. Once accepted, you will be invited to submit your final reviewed and approved paper with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Deadline 20th May, 2022 
  7.  You will be informed on the final allocation of oral sessions, during June, 2022. You can also keep an eye on the conference web site for the program.
  8.  Once registered and your paper accepted, should you require a letter of invitation for your visa application, you will need to make a formal request detailing your full name, email, physical mailing address, phone number as well as your unique paper number through
  9. Early submission is encouraged to allow the review process to be completed as smoothly as possible. Please note that the reviewers are all doing this on a voluntary basis and all have full time careers. Please respect this and support the process.
  10. If you see a key date has passed and have not been contacted please contact secretariat on quoting your unique paper number.
  11. A list of papers will be posted on the web site once fully reviewed and registration complete.  
  12. Your paper and presentation should be of a non-commercial nature, the use of trade names etc… is not permitted, should a paper be considered as commercial you may be asked to modify the paper or withdraw it.
  13. Number of pages should be limited to a maximum of 5.

KEY required items:

a)    Primary authors of full papers that will be approved by the National Construction Journal Editorial committee shall be given complementary delegate registration and two days accommodation at the conference venue.

b)    Final reviewed and approved papers should be completed and submitted by: 20th May, 2022

For more information please visit the NCA website at:  or


The papers shall be evaluated based on the adequacy of below key components:

  1. Title          
  2. Contributors’ name       
  3. Abstract  
  4. Key words           
  5. Introduction        
  6. Theory      
  7. Research methods         
  8. Results
  9. Discussion
  10. Conclusions  and recommendations
  11. References
  12. Acknowledgement
  13. Appendices

In addition, the structure of the paper should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format.


For your guidance, below are some of the items that reviewers will be looking for during the review process. Please comply, should have challenges, kindly seek assistance before submitting papers. 

  1. Abstract: The abstract summarizes the paper and covers the same items as the conclusions. 
  2. Relevance: The paper is relevant to the conference topic. 
  3. Originality: Plagiarism is not allowed. 
  4. Facts: The paper should be factual and/or theoretically valid, i.e. experimental results should be realistic, the analysis be correct and the theory is mathematically and scientifically sound. 
  5. Commercial content: The paper should avoid blatant commercialism, and logos are absent. 
  6. Presentation: The write-up should be concise and the work presented in a clear and logical order. 
  7. References: There should be sufficient references, which are referenced appropriately in the text. 
  8. Format: The paper follows the recommended format. 
  9. The Figures/Tables: should be legible and clear, with readable legends in both colour and black and white. 
  10. Pages: The paper is limited to a total of 5 pages.  Keynote Speakers are exempt. 


The following shall apply:

1)    The body of the abstract for the proposed paper needs to be done within the word limit of 250 words. Please include the following in your abstract:

i)    Presentation Title

ii)  Purpose of the Paper

iii) Objectives/Questions

iv) Methods

v)   Findings

vi) Conclusions/Recommendations

2)    The structure of the paper should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Please ensure that the following aspects are covered in your paper:

a)    Title

b)    Contributors’ name (s)

c)    Abstract

d)    Key words

e)    Introduction

f)     Theory

g)    Research methods

h)   Results

i)     Discussion

j)     Conclusions and recommendations

k)    References

l)     Acknowledgement

m)  Appendices

3)    The paper should not be more than 5000 words excluding references and appendices


Title:  TIMES NEW ROMAN Bold 16pt (Maximum of 15 words)

Subtitle:   TIMES NEW ROMAN Bold 14 pt

Author1, Author2, Author3; TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 pt

1 Institution, Company   TIMES NEW ROMAN  Italic 10 pt 

University of Nairobi, School of Architecture and Engineering, Department of Civil & Construction Engineering, P. O. Box 30197 Nairobi, Kenya,, Tel.: +254 (0)722123456

Abstract:    TIMES NEW ROMAN Bold 12 pt

Times New Roman 11 pt , Italics; These days, universal design features are a fact of life for many homes, which has necessitated architects and designers to formulate strategies that can be of much use for universal building. Universal building can also be described as smart building. Design for All permits access to the built environment, access to services and user-friendly products which are not just a quality factor but a necessity for many aging or disabled persons. This study examined the potential of universal design in the field of today’s world of diversity in line with the need to adapt to the environment.

Keywords:   TIMES NEW ROMAN bold 12 pt

Times New Roman 11 pt.    keyword1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5, 

Introduction:   TIMES NEW ROMAN bold 12 pt

Times New Roman 12:    Original definition and principles of universal design must be considered in applications for apparel design. Universal design objectives is to design, plan, build and renovate homes to make them more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable, this is in response to the demand for housing that better meets people’s needs and respond to environmental concerns, these are environmental sustainable homes which help to minimize the impact environment of the communities and energy efficiency.

Text/theory/methods/results: TIMES NEW ROMAN bold 12 pt

Times New Roman 12    The term "universal design" was coined by the Mace (2014) to describe the concept of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or status in life. 

However, it was the work of Selwyn et al (2011), author of Designing for the Disabled, who really pioneered the concept of free access for disabled people. His most significant achievement was the creation of the dropped curb - now a standard feature of the built environment. Kimsy and Konrad (2000) do not support this position. 

Fig.1: Times New Roman 12 pt 

Source; Author (year); Michaels (2003). 

Charts, Tables:  TIMES NEW ROMAN bold 12 pt 

Times New Roman 12     

Table 1: Times New Roman 12    Table description. 

TCS Samples  pH value 

TCS1 4.92 

TCS2 5.49 

TCS3 5.32 

TCS4 5.11 

Average pH 5.21 

Source; Author (year); Samson (2003). 

Formulas: TIMES NEW ROMAN bold 12 pt 

Times New Roman 12;    Risk is any deviant out come with quantifiable negative consequences on the project progress. In civil engineering, eventuality of risk can be economically disastrous or capable to occasion death depending on the peril and hazard level of the risk occurring. 

  T T

s(t) Cs−1 ot ˆs' =s(t) Cs−1 W ˆs ˆs' 

t=1 t=1 


s(t) Cs−1 ot ˆs' =s(t) Cs−1 W ˆs ˆs'

t=1 t=1  





Discussion/Conclusion /Recommendations: TIMES NEW ROMAN bold 12 pt 

Times New Roman 12    Approving authorities should require submission for enforcement safety and health plan as part of project documents for plan approval.  

References:   TIMES NEW ROMAN bold 12 pt   

Times New Roman 12:    Guo, W. (2010). Setback and setup temperature analysis for a classic double-corridor classroom building. Energy Build, 42 (2), 189–197 

David, N. (2006). CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT IN KENYA.  Nairobi: Moran Books. 

Further reference to APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition (2009)